The only way
to predict future is to make it

Together, let's shape a brighter future and build a better world through our impactful initiatives.

  • Empowerment
  • Advocacy
  • Engagement
  • Awareness
A palestinian community association

We are promoting equality,
and building inclusive communities
for a sustainable future.

Who we are

Witness Center for Citizen Rights and Social Development, "Shahid," is fostering the Palestinian society that upholds human rights values and creates an environment that respects and embraces the rights of marginalized groups.

Our Programs

Throughout our journey, we actively implemented constructive community programs.

Knowledge and leadership


This includes the implementation of projects in the field for developing the capabilities of youth, women, and community activists in the field of human rights, campaigns, and leadership skills, especially in the Old City of Nablus and students of media and political science at An Najah National University, Birzeit, and Jerusalem.

Change Voices

Media Advocacy

Implemented a set of projects and events aimed at promoting media adoption of the principles of human rights and gender equality and feeding the media with content responsive to the Citizen rights.

Inclusive Policies

Policy Involvement

Which aims to create policies and position papers that meet the youth’s perspective towards public issues, especially those related to the media sector, legislation, and human rights. Two major projects are included in the program with decision-makers.

Grassroots Act

Community Engagement

Implementing sustainable water solutions to provide safe drinking water, reducing waterborne diseases and improving health.

Fostering Unity and Collaboration with Our Dedicated Partners
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Implemented Projects
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Planted Trees
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Hear from our supporters

Voices of impact.
Our supporters share stories

Samar's Perspective

"Shahid's team, post 'Al-Aqsa Flood' operation, tackles misleading narratives and land ownership battles. Despite obstacles, they combat false propaganda, reinforcing the Palestinian narrative. Their dedication and partnership are invaluable."

Samar Thawabteh

Independent Journalist

Waseem's Experience

"Shahid Center, a beacon illuminating the paths of social and developmental work in Palestine, encourages youth participation in volunteer activities, serving their communities, and making Palestine a better place"


Waseem Bourghal

CEO of A2z Consultancy Co.

Lubna's Testimony

"Witness began with ambitious youth believing in community initiatives. Now, it fosters awareness among Palestinian youth, evolving into a vital organization with successful steps and a transformative potential for continuous growth."


Lubna Al-Ashqar

Academic and Gender Expert